I don't make New Years Resolutions, never had. Instead I look at the year that has past and look forward to the future. I am looking forward to 2015 and what it will bring to Craig and I and our little family in the Arctic. 2014 was a sad year for us, as most of you know we lost 2 of our pets, about 6 months apart. It was tough, extremely sad and I thought I couldn't make through it...but I did. I know it's part of owning a pet, you have such a short time with them when compared to a human and we will have more in our lives but for the time being we will enjoy the Princess Warrior Molly and Blitz.
We enjoyed having Craig's parents visit us this past summer. We had fun taking them to many places we love to hang out at and introduce them to our northern friends. I know they had just as much fun as we did and I'm glad that they got to experience a bit of our life up here. The weather was perfect during their visit and from there it turned to fall then winter faster than normal.
Summer work for both Craig and I have always been busy, for Craig it's the time to do any maintenance an their field equipment as who wants to go out when it's 40 below. For me it's harvest time and of course we look forward to seeing our friends Les and JS every summer.
We had many fishing days with our friends - some days were successful and others not so much but it wasn't so much about the fishing but instead spending time with friends. We had days at the beach of relaxing and walking along the sand of the Northwest Passage or just getting together at someone's home to play games, music, dinner or just for a visit.
We had a great vacation in Arizona this past October. We did so much in such a short amount of time and we are planning our next visit. So much so that we are seriously looking for some property in Yuma. The biggest highlight for us was meeting up with Mary, Teri and John in California, some wonderful friends whom I met through our GSP group. We got to see the California coastline, sand dunes, desert and the Grand and Antelope Canyons.
Christmas for us was quiet and spent with 3 of our friends at our home for a complete turkey dinner along with Papa's tourtiére as a highlight. I started my holiday baking the week before and we are still eating some treats with more in the freezer. Craig worked Christmas day and he will work again tomorrow, no holiday for them as they work Monday to Saturday, no exceptions.
I came down with a nasty virus the week before Christmas that put my in bed for about 3 days straight. I'm still not fully over it but much, much better than I was. Yesterday I had a lump removed from my back and after removing it the doctor said it was only a cyst which was good news. It's sore today but what can I expect with 7 sutures in place. A blizzard started here yesterday and will continue until tomorrow so last night Craig spent the night at the site and will repeat the same for tonight. I will bring in the New Year with Molly and Blitz but I'm afraid we all might be sleeping by then. ha-ha
I have picked 12 of my favourite pictures, one from each month in 2014 to share with you today. I wish all of my readers a Very Happy New Year.
Had the opportunity to photograph Elaine - a co-worker's daughter
I have photographed this boat and building on many occasions
but this was a total white out
The month we realized that our time with Hannah was limited
She was having a good day so we took her out to enjoy the sun
The beautiful blue ice of the Arctic Ocean - myself and Blitz
The final day with Hannah
Craig's parents arrival - visiting The Maud
Another day at the beach with the dogs
Helping out at the CamBay Vet Clinic
My trip to Manitoba with Molly, great day spent at the Zoo with Sandy
Our Arizona trip - Lower Antelope Canyon
Photographing our GM for Country Guide Magazine
Saying good-bye to Mocha
Talk soon